Web South Still Supporting The Region During COVID-19

G’day Everyone,
What a crazy time this is – with the massive upheaval caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic. It is still not even at it’s peak in Australia, and as far as I am aware we have not had anyone test positive in this district, but let’s face it this will change.

I would like to say that our district is a safe place to be, where people care about each other, that we will self isolate if needed, that neighbours or friends will support each other if people near them will be self-isolating.

My personal opinion is that most if not all of us will eventually be affected by COVID-19, it just depends on when. Let’s all try stay healthy and happy (in mind too) so that we are not badly affected. It has been realised already that people young and old can be affected, but the ones a highest risk is our aged people.

One of the critical things I see is helping businesses and people keep online, to be informed, to do work or study.

At present we have been able to keep supporting our customers, keeping systems going, and we hope to be able to continue doing so.

If you need support:

  • If you and your household or business have not had any COVID symptoms
    Please call me on 0429 811 958
  • If you are feeling unwell – please tell me,
    as you should be self-isolating at home if you have COVID symptoms, I will speak to you about how I can protect myself and support you.

Now is a good time also to buy new or used computers and parts, to get you working well from home.
Talk to me about your needs. It is also important to keep yourself safe online, so talk to me if you are concerned.

Additionally please do not get caught by scammers, there is an increase of these scum.

Again, please stay safe, we will get through this together.

Peter Herriman